by Kudo Sensei | Mar 30, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Animals, 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
Hello! This is video is a read aloud of the informational text called “鳥となかよし (To ri to na ka yoshi: Friends with Birds). As part of our science unit, we have been learning about animals and their habits. Please use this video to practice listening read aloud at home.... by Kudo Sensei | Mar 30, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Animals, 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
Hello! This is video is a read aloud of the informational text called “鳥となかよし (To ri to na ka yoshi: Friends with Birds). As part of our science unit, we have been learning about animals and their habits. Please use this video to practice listening read aloud at home.... by Kudo Sensei | Feb 15, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Events, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
Konichiwa! On February 8, 2017, PS147 presented it first Japan Festival to showcase the Japanese Dual Language Program. Student from both the JDLP classrooms and those from the standard kindergarten classes at PS147 collaborated to put on an amazing show consisting... by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Animals
... by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
Hello! This is video file is a Japanese version of “Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See’ by Eric Carle. Please use this video to practice listening read aloud at home. It is perfectly fine for you to simply listen to this video. The students will improve their... by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Vocabulary Practice, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
There are 12 animals are known as 十二支(zyu u ni shi). ねずみ “nezumi” (mouse) うし “u shi” (cow) とら “to ra” (tiger) うさぎ “u sa gi” (rabbit) たつ “ta tasu” (dragon) へび “he bi” (snake) うま “u ma”...