by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten), 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu (Happy New Year)! When Buddhism arrived in Japan, the Japanese imported both the Buddhist teachings and the Zodiac calendar – the calendar is known as 干支(e to). The 12 animals of the Zodiac are known as 十二支(juni shi). This video... by Kudo Sensei | Dec 12, 2016 | 1年生(Grade 1), 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
This is a Japanese folktale of kindness. “Kasa” means umbrella, and “Jizo” means buddhist stone statues, like guardian of the village. Please use this video to practice listening read aloud at home. It is perfectly fine for you to simply listen... by Kudo Sensei | Dec 9, 2016 | 1年生(Grade 1)
... by Kudo Sensei | Nov 30, 2016 | 1年生(Grade 1), 漢字(Kanji)
Welcome to 「漢字 だいすき (= I love Kanji)」page! This video focuses on learning Kanji for mountain and river. “Mountain” = 山 (ya ma) “River” = 川(ka wa) Please use this video to practice listening, reading, and writing at home. It is perfectly fine for you to simply listen... by Kudo Sensei | Nov 17, 2016 | 1年生(Grade 1), Uncategorized, 漢字(Kanji)
Welcome to 「漢字 だいすき (= I love Kanji)」page! This video focuses on learning Kanji for up, down, and middle. “Up” = 上(u e) “Down” = 下 (shi ta) “Middle” = 中 (na ka) Please use this video to practice listening, reading, and writing at home. It is perfectly... by Kudo Sensei | Nov 15, 2016 | 1年生(Grade 1), キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten), 漢字(Kanji)
Welcome to 「漢字 だいすき (= I love Kanji)」page! Kanji (the adopted Chinese characters) is an essential part of learning how to read and write in Japanese. I am a strong believer that learning Kanji is fun and exciting when we understand the origin and story of how each...