SONG: かきくけこの本 (A Book of Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko)


We started the series of Hiragana Booklet to build up the students’ Japanese letter recognition as well as vocabulary. This is the second booklet, which covers か行 (ka gyo).

か “ka” : かえる”ka e ru” (frog)、かみなり “ka mi na ri” (thunder)

き “ki”: きりん “ki ri n” (giraffe)、きのこ “ki no ko” (mushroom)

く “ku”: くるま “ku ru ma” (car)、くるくる “ku ru ku ru” (spinning)

け “ke”: けむり “ke mu ri” (smoke)、けいと “ke i to” (yarn)

こ “ko”: こども “ko do mo” (child)、こいぬ “ko i nu” (puppy)

Please use this video to practice listening read aloud at home. It is perfectly fine for you to simply listen to this video. The students will improve their listening skills through watching this video multiple times at home. You and your child may also read along with me by repeating, which will help them to improve their oral language. Thank you!