by Kudo Sensei | Mar 9, 2017 | Vocabulary Practice, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
Konnichiwa! We started the series of Hiragana Booklet to build up the students’ Japanese letter recognition as well as vocabulary. あ “a” : あひる”a hi ru” (duck)、あくび “a ku bi” (yawn) い “i”: いぬ “i nu”... by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Vocabulary Practice, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
There are 12 animals are known as 十二支(zyu u ni shi). ねずみ “nezumi” (mouse) うし “u shi” (cow) とら “to ra” (tiger) うさぎ “u sa gi” (rabbit) たつ “ta tasu” (dragon) へび “he bi” (snake) うま “u ma”... by Kudo Sensei | Nov 4, 2016 | Plants, Vocabulary Practice, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
Greeting! As part of my science unit, we have been studying the parts of plants. In class, we also learned the Kanji (the adopted Chinese characters) for big and small. The students have been working on creating their original vocabulary booklet for our science...