by Kudo Sensei | Mar 9, 2017 | Vocabulary Practice, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
Konnichiwa! We started the series of Hiragana Booklet to build up the students’ Japanese letter recognition as well as vocabulary. あ “a” : あひる”a hi ru” (duck)、あくび “a ku bi” (yawn) い “i”: いぬ “i nu”... by Kudo Sensei | Feb 15, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Events, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
Konichiwa! On February 8, 2017, PS147 presented it first Japan Festival to showcase the Japanese Dual Language Program. Student from both the JDLP classrooms and those from the standard kindergarten classes at PS147 collaborated to put on an amazing show consisting... by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), Vocabulary Practice, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
There are 12 animals are known as 十二支(zyu u ni shi). ねずみ “nezumi” (mouse) うし “u shi” (cow) とら “to ra” (tiger) うさぎ “u sa gi” (rabbit) たつ “ta tasu” (dragon) へび “he bi” (snake) うま “u ma”... by Kudo Sensei | Jan 12, 2017 | 1年生(Grade 1), キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten), 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu (Happy New Year)! When Buddhism arrived in Japan, the Japanese imported both the Buddhist teachings and the Zodiac calendar – the calendar is known as 干支(e to). The 12 animals of the Zodiac are known as 十二支(juni shi). This video... by Kudo Sensei | Nov 30, 2016 | Fruits, Uncategorized, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten), 読み聞かせ(Read Aloud)
Hello! This is video file is an read aloud of a book called “くだもの (Fruit)” by Kazuko Hirayama. The students are currently learning about various fruits in Japanese. Please use this video to practice listening read aloud at home. It is perfectly fine for... by Kudo Sensei | Nov 30, 2016 | Fruits, キンダーガーデン(Kindergarten)
Greeting! Currently we are studying fruits. This video focuses on learning fruit related vocabulary for pear. “Pear” = なし (na shi) Please use this video to practice listening and read aloud at home. It is perfectly fine for you to simply listen to this video. The...